Friday, March 27, 2009

How To Survive a Layoff - Tips

  1. Keep getting up in the morning. You will find another job. Remember, you have skills!
  2. Contact your state unemployment office immediately to get the typical waiting period out of the way of your checks.
  3. Update and polish your resume.
  4. Start searching for a new job right away.
  5. Submit your updated resume to several job sites, to let employers come to you.
  6. Apply to receive job notification by email at job sites that offer it, to let the jobs come to you, too.
  7. Contact your references to let them know you're back in the job market and counting on them.
  8. Ask your ex-boss to write a recommendation letter that also explains why job loss wasn't your fault.
  9. Practice interviewing while you have the time and to keep your confidence level up.
  10. Attend outplacement seminars if offered.
  11. Consider temping until you find a permanent job.


  1. You might be able to negotiate a better severance package with your HR department. Ask them about jobs, too. There might still be mission-critical openings to which your skills transfer.
  2. To avoid worry and depression, keep your mind busy and make yourself feel useful by working on your house, car, yard, hobbies, etc.
  3. It could be the best thing that ever happened to you. For example, now might be a good time for that career change, training or self-employment you've been contemplating, but never had the time.

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